a little post
Tuesday, October 11, 2005 posted by Cindy
Last week I started getting worried about Conor getting constipated off of the rice cereal. As if to assuage my fears, Conor was sure to leave me 3 humongo poops all throughout the duration of Myra's wedding day. One right as I was leaving work, another for the chapel, and another at Lindsay's. No back-up here, so I guess we can call off hosing the kid down with prune juice.

Impromptu opto picture at Myra's wedding banquet. HK was loving the leftovers, particularly the bottle of Henessey that travelled home with us. It was a little weird tucking it into the trunk between the stroller and pack-n-play.
The mom's highlight of the day was getting the 3 babes together. At last, the thesis babies meet! We gave Stacie a hard time for not having Caden exactly one week after Ryan, who's one week after Conor. It was so hard to get pics of the babes, I felt like Conor was constantly flipping over onto one of them.
What?! No more pictures?!

That was so much fun. We'll have to do it again... maybe in December for Academy! Geez, if only Cade was born on April 21, we'd have a nice addendum to our thesis. ;0)
3:06 PM
it was soooo good to see you guys again! hope you & the little con-man are feeling better!
12:28 AM
Hello ladies, do you come here often? =) like Stacie said, see you on the blog! Thanks, Lori, we're doing better I think but now Henri is the caboose of the get-sick train.
Academy sounds really good! Maybe they'll be ...(dare I say it?!) crawling!!!
11:00 AM
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