Home in the Sky by Jeannie Baker
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 posted by Henri

If I have to read one more book about a lost caterpillar or talking train or some little plucky barnyard animal I'm going to lose it. And don't get me started on Dr. Seuss. So imagine my surprise when we opened up this old library book and I read...
Every day, at sunrise and sunset,
the pigeons burst into the sky.
The pigeons belong to Mike
and live on the roof
of an abandoned, burned-out building.
He built their coop from scrap lumber
found in the neighborhood.
Werewulf, Mike's dog, lives in the building
and guards the birds
A book about inner city pigeons living in abandoned crack houses. Wow this is great. I mean look at these illustrations.

This completely validates the urban children's book I was writing. I just need to pick the right opening. Here are a few starts I've been kicking around...
Benjamin knew the molotov cocktail was lit but also knew he should stop to wash his hands…
Old Mr. Jones had always warned about pooping on the curb, but Jimmy had a new plan…
1,2,3,4,5 new sleepies sleeping in the street…
Little Billy had the loudest gun on the whole block…
Dad’s coming home from San Quentin today so we decided to make the best breakfast in the whole world…
When you have no job, where do you go in the morning?
Jonesy the magical strawberry always knew when the police would come…
Why there is no such thing as a four card monty…
Dad called it street camping…
Once upon a time there lived a brave little pitbull…
Little John dreamed of being Icy…
Any other budding childrens' book authors out there?
after conman learns how to light a molotov cocktail... i'm not babysitting anymore! hahaha...
10:07 AM
Lighting it is no problem. It's the throwing that we're working on.
10:54 AM
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