Kids, No Chaser

You think you can jump Ninja?!

Sunday, September 17, 2006 posted by Henri

Hey just wanted to let everyone know that you can also find me at Rice Daddies now. They're cool and the jump in wasn't too bad, well except for that one dude who had to bring his own flying guillotine. It was homemade and all but still it was pretty scary, he had the chain and everything, I was like damn dude you have time to learn how to fly that thing while raising a kid?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to have you joining Rice Daddies, dude.

Honestly, it was between you and Cao Boi from "Survivor." I'm not sure we made the right choice. Guess time will tell!

1:07 PM

Blogger daddy in a strange land said...

Actually, it was that Cao Boi wouldn't submit to the new-school jump-in, calling it too "Americanized." He wanted to sub in some old-country bullshit involving live rattlesnakes and "coining" and "cupping" procedures on body parts better left unnamed (to get the "bad wind" out, dontcha know). Whatever. We can always jump this mofo out if need be.

2:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on your induction into rice daddies! btw, will we be seeing you guys in portland next month?

9:10 AM


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