Sundance Here We Come
Sunday, November 05, 2006 posted by Henri
Well I've finally completed my first short film. I wanted to address the themes of childhood idealism and the veil of protectionist disbelief that we as parents garb our progeny in only to be pierced by the rays of life's realities which like moonbeams upon bats help illuminate the darker corners of this journey called life. Please enjoy my film: Le Pumpkin V Le Gare du Colma.
Haunting isn't it? Damn I'm good. I'm writing the book version as well.
Labels: Movies
My, oh my. The way the metaphors play out on different levels. And the haunting train sounds that pierce the veil.
Wow. I'm moved to tears.
6:56 AM
I love that he doesn't look at you when his mother is pointing and instead looks at the train. What a powerful representation of the relationship between the unseen father and his son who yearns to run off and ride the rail. I also love that you end with him taking a step out of his wagon as if he's making a statement about making his own way instead of being led around on someone else's path and how it's incredibly open ended as to where his he'll go. Amazing! You are a genius.
2:14 PM
8:42 PM
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